Emily Duggan, a candidate for the 2024 School District 20 trustee by-election hosted a meet & greet for all candidates on Friday April 5.
She invited all 3 of her opponents, none of them responded to her invitation. However, on the night of the event, one other candidate did show up ready and willing to participate. Jennifer Burton showed up, and this is what took place.
On Friday April 5, 2024 Emily Duggan & Jennifer Burton, two candidates in the school district 20 by-election introduced themselves and shared their platforms in person.
The other two candidates are Lindsay Kenny, a Mother and Trades Woman from Fruitvale and Birkley Valks a biological woman who lives as a man and insists on being referred to as a father.
Here is part 1 of the event held at the Castlegar & District Community Complex where Burton and Duggan stepped out and engaged with the voters in person.
Here is part 2, community engagement.
After the two women laid out their platforms they opened the floor up to questions from the crowd. It turned out that the crowd had less questions and more concerns. So, the two candidates listened and conversed with the crowd as parents and community members shared their concerns with the current public education system.
This is an engagement all school districts across the province could learn something from.